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Maybe you want to write a book ... Or do a TED talk ... Or quit your job and start a business ... Or travel to every country in the world.


Something keeps stopping you from making your Big Dream your reality.

Maybe you are stuck in the quicksand of overwhelm, uncertainty, procrastination, self-doubt, fear ... paralyzed and unable to get started.

Maybe you start pursuing your Big Dream but then get discouraged or start second guessing yourself ... so you procastinate or put it on the shelf for later.

There is a gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Are you ready to bridge the Dream Gap? The best place to start is to attend the free live training that I do every Thursday at 5:00 pm PT/8:00 pm ET. Click the button below to register now.

Save your seat for Thursday's free live Training!

The Dream Gap

Which Side of the Dream Gap Are You On?

Transform From Doubtful Dreamer to Dream Achiever

You have the potential to bridge the Dream Gap so you can achieve your BHAD (Big Hairy Audacious Dream).

But ...

It requires knowledge, courage, commitment, action, and the right support system to do that.

That's where I come in. Through my coaching, programs and resources, I provide a safe, supportive space for you to dream big, dig deep, and develop the mental fitness to turn your vision into your lived reality.

Whether you're dreaming of starting a business, writing a book, changing careers, or embarking on a personal quest, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Together, we'll bridge your Dream Gap and make your BHAD a reality.

So if you're ready to stop settling and start soaring, to transform self-doubt into self-belief, and to join a community of women who are daring to dream big... you're in the right place.

Let's get started on making your Big, Hairy, Audacious Dreams come true.

Book a Get Acquainted Call Now!

Are You Ready to Transform from Doubtful Dreamer into Dream Achiever?

I've developed a unique, holistic approach to empowering women to overcome the psychological obstacles that hold them back from their BHADs. My program combines the latest research in neuroscience and psychology with practical, actionable strategies to help you:

  • Develop unshakeable self-confidence and belief in your abilities
  • Quiet your inner critic and overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome
  • Cultivate resilience to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward
  • Gain clarity on your vision and the steps to make it a reality
  • Take bold, consistent action towards your BHAD, even in the face of fear

My Dream Achiever Bootcamp is the most effective and fastest way to start your transformation.

In this 6-Month program, you will learn

  • How to rewire your neural pathways to defeat negative thinking, self-doubt, distractions, procrastination
  • How to unlock your limitless potential and drive
  • Actionable techniques to increase focus, drive, and resilience
  • A step-by-step plan that will boost your productivity, amp up your happiness, AND make you more successful.

How Mental Fitness Training Transforms Doubtful Dreamers into Dream Achievers

Mental Fitness Training offers a more effective and sustainable solution to overcoming procrastination on Big Hairy Audacious Dreams (BHADs) because it addresses the root causes of the problem at a deep, psychological level.

Mental Fitness Training helps you develop a fundamentally different relationship with your own mind. Instead of fighting against your procrastination or trying to force yourself to change, you learn to work with your mind in a more skillful and compassionate way.

By weakening the influence of the negative patterns that cause procrastination, and strengthening the mental muscles that support clarity, resilience, and action, Mental Fitness Training helps you develop the inner foundation needed to consistently pursue your BHADs over the long term. It's a comprehensive, science-backed approach that goes beyond surface-level tactics to create deep, lasting transformation.

Here's how Mental Fitness Training solves the problem

  • It focuses on building self-awareness:

The first step in building mental fitness is to help you become more aware of your own thought patterns and mental habits. Through practices like the PQ reps (brief mindfulness exercises), you learn to catch yourself when you're falling into negative thought patterns or giving in to procrastination. This awareness is crucial because you can't change what you're not aware of.

  • It weakens the influence of the "Saboteurs":

You learn to identify the negative voices in your head that cause you to procrastinate as "Saboteurs." These could be voices of fear, self-doubt, perfectionism, or any other limiting belief. By learning to recognize and label these Saboteurs, you start to weaken their power over you. You realize that they are just thoughts, not truths.

  • It strengthens the "Sage" perspective:

In contrast to the Saboteurs, you learn to cultivate your "Sage" - the wise, resilient, and positive part of your mind. As you strengthen your Sage through specific mental exercises, you develop a more balanced and empowering mindset. You learn to respond to challenges with curiosity, empathy, and creative problem-solving rather than fear and avoidance.

  • It rewires your brain at a neurological level::

Mental Fitness Training is not just about changing your thoughts; it's about actually rewiring your brain. Through consistent practice, you build new neural pathways that support positive habits and weaken the old pathways that led to procrastination. This makes the changes more automatic and sustainable over time.

  • It provides a daily practice:

Procrastination is often driven by deeper emotional factors like fear, anxiety, or lack of self-worth. Through practices like the "Sage Perspective" and "Empathize and Explore," you learn to meet these emotions with compassion and curiosity rather than judgment. This helps to diffuse their power and allows you to move forward despite the discomfort.

  • It addresses the emotional root causes::

Procrastination is often driven by deeper emotional factors like fear, anxiety, or lack of self-worth. Through practices like the "Sage Perspective" and "Empathize and Explore," you learn to meet these emotions with compassion and curiosity rather than judgment. This helps to diffuse their power and allows you to move forward despite the discomfort.

  • It cultivates intrinsic motivation:

Rather than relying on external accountability or pressure, Mental Fitness helps you tap into your own intrinsic motivation. By connecting with your Sage and clarifying your deeper purpose, you develop a stronger internal drive to pursue your BHADs. This intrinsic motivation is more sustainable and resilient than external factors.

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I'm A.J. Riedel!

I'm on a mission to help ambitious, visionary women like you bridge the gap between your biggest dreams and your current reality.

I know firsthand what it's like to have a Big, Hairy, Audacious Dream (BHAD) that simultaneously excites and scares you. For years, I dreamed of starting my own coaching business, but self-doubt, fear of failure, and a lack of clarity kept me stuck in a cycle of procrastination and unfulfilled potential.

But through extensive training in mental fitness and a lot of personal growth work, I finally broke through my own internal barriers and made my BHAD a reality. Now, I'm passionate about helping other women do the same.