Are You Settling for Less? 14 Telltale Signs You're Playing Too Small in Life
Mar 07, 2024
The 14 Sure Signs That You Are Playing Small
Today, I'll be sharing the signs that you are playing small.
You are playing small in some area of your life if you do any of these ...
Say “yes” way too often because you are afraid of rejection.
Hold back and don’t speak up because you don’t want to be judged as too much, too bossy, too aggressive, too bitchy, too outspoken, or too opinionated.
Let your fears (of failing, rejection, humiliation, shame, and being wrong) stop you.
Let criticism crush you. You take it personally.
Don’t trust yourself enough to go for what you truly want.
Wait to be asked rather than asking for what you want.
Keep yourself busy doing insignificant shit rather than doing what’s important
Hide your light under a bushel, meaning that you keep your good qualities and abilities and accomplishments secret from other people
Believe that you are not good enough, not smart enough, not qualified enough, not capable enough, not lovable, not worthy enough.
Let your “should’s” run your life – the rules and expectations that you have about how you think you should (or shouldn’t) feel, think, and behave or how you think others think you should (or shouldn’t) feel, think, and behave.
Feel like you are always falling short, not able to live up to your expectations of yourself.
Feel like you are standing in the way of your own success.
Are stuck in a situation – whether a job or a relationship – that doesn’t truly fulfill you.
Have a hard time putting yourself first because it feels "selfish".
Are you nodding your head as you read this list? Me, too!