The Role Negative Beliefs Play in Your Life
Mar 03, 2024
The Role Negative Beliefs Play in Your Life
Not happy with your career? With some aspect of your personal life? With relationships (including your relationship with yourself)?
If you are dissatisfied with your career advancement, your personal or professional growth, your productivity, your performance, or yourself, it’s because you have a set of negative beliefs that you may not even be aware you have.
These core beliefs are the reason you are dissatisfied. These beliefs are harming you, holding you back, keeping you stuck.
Here are some examples of common negative core beliefs:
- Pleasing others and having them like me is important to me.
- I have to be perfect and do everything perfectly.
- I have to be achieving and accomplishing things to feel worthy.
- I worry about what other people think of me.
- If other people dislike me, I can't be happy.
- I have to do more than other people to be as good as them.
- I am unlovable.
- I am not enough.
Do any of these sound like things you say to yourself?
If you don't like the results you are getting, you must take different actions.
If you want to advance in your career, grow personally and professionally, improve your productivity, performance, or yourself, be more successful, more satisfied with your life, and happier, you MUST change your beliefs.
Why? Because beliefs ➡️ lead to thoughts … which ➡️ lead to feelings … which ➡️ lead to actions … which ➡️ lead to results … which ➡️ reinforce initial beliefs and thoughts and become self-fulfilling prophecies.
It’s an endless loop … and it starts with your core beliefs.