Is Imposter Syndrome Sabotaging Your BHAGs?
Mar 29, 2024
Do you have a BHAG?
“What does BHAG stand for?” you ask. Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal—it’s a clear, compelling goal that seems unreasonable and out of reach, but something in you is bold enough (and crazy enough) to believe you just might achieve it anyway.
There's a part of you that really really really wants to achieve this BHAG.
But there is another part of you that doesn't think you should pursue this dream because it's wayyyyyyyyy outside your comfort zone.
Often, this part of you is stronger and more powerful than the part of you that is dreaming your BIg Dream. As a result, you may not making much, if any, progress on achieving your BHAG.
If you aren't making progress on your BHAG, chances are, you are caught in the Imposter Syndrome Cycle.
Here are the symptoms of Imposter Syndrome:
๐ You aren’t any closer to achieving your Big Hairy Audacious Goal today than you were 6 months or a year ago.
๐You often think “I don’t deserve to succeed”, “I’m not smart enough or qualified enough”, “I don’t have what it takes”, or “I’m not ready yet”.
๐ When you sit down to work on your BHAG, you suddenly have the overwhelming urge to do anything other than work on your goal.
๐ You’ve promised yourself that you were going to work on a BHAG-related task every day for a month … but haven’t.
๐ You often feel that you are incompetent or not good enough.
๐ You often feel anxious, frustrated, or discouraged.
If you have any of these symptoms, you suffer from Imposter Syndrome and it is getting in the way of you achieving your BHAG.
Right now, you probably feel like you can’t do anything to stop an Imposter Syndrome attack.…
Or you fight against the negative thoughts and feelings, telling yourself you shouldn’t be feeling this way. …
Or you may push yourself harder only to find that your symptoms of Imposter Syndrome get worse the harder you push.
When you are experiencing an attack of Imposter Syndrome, the part of your brain known as the Survival brain (aka your inner worst enemy) is busy generating negative thoughts and feelings.
To stop the Imposter Syndrome attack, you must quiet down that part of your brain.
That’s what 2-step Imposter Syndrome Attack Buster does.
Here's how to do it:
1๏ธโฃ Whenever you become aware that you are experiencing the symptoms of Imposter Syndrome, immediately STOP what you are doing.
2๏ธโฃ Sit quietly and close your eyes. Rub two fingertips gently against each other with such attention that you can feel the fingertip ridges on both fingers. Do this for 10 seconds. Now rub all of the fingertips of one hand gently against the fingers and palm of the other hand for 10 seconds.
Chances are, after just 20 seconds, your mind chatter feels a little quieter and you feel a little more relaxed and peaceful.
Imagine how much better you will feel if you do this for a couple of minutes!
CLICK HERE to get an audio of a six-minute version of this Imposter Syndrome Attack Buster exercise.